Case Study

60-year-old female

Case Description

A 60-year-old female presented with debilitating neck and arm pain, progressive deterioration of handwriting, and unsteady gait, resulting in multiple falls. She was found to have a congenitally narrow spinal canal accompanied by a spinal deformity.

Surgical Goals

  • Alleviate neck and arm pain.
  • Improve gait stability.

Surgical Intervention

The patient underwent C3-C6 anterior cervical decompression and fusion, followed by a C2-T1 laminectomy and fusion.


The patient experienced complete resolution of neck and arm pain. At over two years postoperatively, she continues to do well and has successfully returned to work.

A 60-year-old female presented with debilitating neck and arm pain, progressive deterioration of handwriting, and unsteady gait, resulting in multiple falls. She was found to have a congenitally narrow spinal canal accompanied by a spinal deformity.